Nor'Western Whispers

S1 Ep 6. Manipogo/ Ogipogo

September 15, 2019 Nate and Amy Whisper Season 1 Episode 6

The Nessies of Canada, Manipogo (MB) and Ogipogo (BC), are related namesakes that may be sharks/snakes/dinosaurs... logs?
Regardless, they're lore that are important in their respective areas and have existed in lore for hundreds of years due to deaths and drownings in the areas they live: The Okanagan Lake in BC,  Canada, and Lake Manitoba, in MB, Canada. 
Join this one-sided-due-to-time-constraints episode as Amy Whisper takes you on a trip to a lovely set of lakes in touristy areas. 
Don't worry, next episode will be all Nate Whisper, for those who really, really miss him this episode. 
In our defence, we're moving. 

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